Saturday, February 23, 2013

48. Radiotherapy, part 14

Additional Effect #8

Tooth Decay

One of the prime targets for the RT was my Parotid Glands ( Saliva Glands ) the right gland was a location of one of the tumors. The RT has all but completely destroyed both Saliva Glands rendering them almost entirely useless. They now only make a fraction of the saliva they used to, it's a different consistency now, thick and sticky. Saliva is one of your first defenses against tooth decay.

Also, I couldn't brush my teeth for quite a while due the ulcers, and when I could finally take food again orally it is the fortified, milkshake, style, supplements, and they are chock full of sugar.

From the outset I have been under the care of Dr Mary Burke in the Sedation and Special Care Unit at Guy's Hospital, the special dentistry department. I have to use special tooth paste now after every feed. My last check up showed no significant decay, Phew ! and I have now been discharged from their care.

As a foot note the RT has also 'changed' the very nature of my jaw's ability to heal, any 'below' the gum dental work will from now on have to be performed by a specially trained oncology savvy dentist, in a Sedation and Special Care Dentistry Unit.