Sunday, February 5, 2012

25. Weekly Consultation

Wednesday 1st January 2012

Guy's Hospital, Oncology Outpatients Clinic.

A fairly routine consultation

The "waiting room from hell" (see chapter 20) isn't so hellish this time.

Before going in to see Dr Duraha Kahn I have another blood test, it's via the PICC Line so it's completely hassle free. The nurse is very sweet and chatty, she has attended to me once or twice before ( I must get her name and title ). She is impressed with how clean and healthy my arm is ( not all are ) and fits a new optional, added, extra. My Line now has an anti bacterial 'donut' ( in blue ) fitted around the line just at the point where it disappears into my bicep ( as an added extra precaution ). We chat about how this blog is going and of "Oncology style" dressings. There has now been "TWO instances" of nurses cutting through PICC Lines because they have had to cut dressings off.

PICC Line wise I'm now "on guard".

Dr Kahn and I have met a few times now and we discuss the treatment so far, and the treatment forthcoming.

My Blood test were "as expected" showing a decreased level of White Blood Cells, which are on the increase again. And, decreased kidney function. Both as expected and both on the way up again.

We discuss 'at some length' and 'in some detail' my symptoms & the side effects of my Chemo and the anti sickness drugs etc.

We have a plan. We are slightly altering the medication regime in the hope that this will in someway reduce the side effects and allow me to sleep better. I 'can' take "Sleeping Pills" if I need them, Paracetamol if I need it, also anti intergestion/hearburn treatments if I need that too.

When all is said and done, and in the overall scheme of things, and taking everything else into consideration... three days of atomic hiccups is a small price to pay.

So "all systems go" for next cycle of Chemo.

Edited with thanks to Jo W

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