Thursday, February 9, 2012

28. Chemotherapy, part 9

Tuesday 7th February 2012, 02:00 PM

Chemotherapy, Second Cycle, Day two

Self injection day, GULP !

Thankfully the side effects of this second cycle of chemo have been 'so far' far less arduous than the first.

The 'atomic' hiccups and there associated heartburn are only a third if not one quarter as severe as they were the first time, and probably only a quarter or less as frequent. Coupled with the fact that I'm taking indigestion relief when I need it, and sleeping pills when I need them too and it has so far been a far more manageable experience. I suspect my body has become accustomed to all the drugs I'm now taking. Even with the daunting prospect of having to give my self an injection its been a much more tolerable week so far.

2:00 PM and its injection time

24 hours-ish after chemo, I read the instructions, I read the instructions, again. I read the instructions for a third time. There's no putting it off any longer. Everything is set up. I read the instructions, again, just to be sure.
Pre-filled Syringe of 6 mg Pegfilgrastim (Neulasta), ready and waiting...

I give my belly a antiseptic wipe. Pinch a lump of skin. Take a breath. Pause the needle over my belly. Touch the tip of the needle to the skin. Slowly push the needle in to my tummy. Painless ! Less than giving blood. I push the plunger slowly in, and in, and in. At the bottom of the syringe I hear a small "click !". I slowly withdraw the needle, a tad skewiff and it scrapes ever so slightly on the way out, but nothing to bad. There's a single glisten of one tiny drop of liquid on the needle s it slips out. I release the plunger and the needle is automatically withdrawn in the barrel of the syringe, safe and sound. Done, finished, all over, phew ! what a relief. I feel that I have achieved a significant personal break through.

I almost dislocate my arm patting my self on the back.

I hope everything else will be so easy...

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