Saturday, March 3, 2012

31. Oncology Outpatients Clinic

Wednesday 22nd February, 4:00 PM

Weigh in and blood test, inc. a full PICC clean and service, all fairly routine.

Having only just been 'discharged' from the Esther ward, i'm in for a consultation with... Dr Teresa Guerro-Urbano.

We discuss the Chemo & side effects and she re works the anti sickness regime accordingly. We discuss pain management, I'm still in a considerable amount of discomfort, visibly so and enough that she questions me as to whether I actually wanted to go home that day. As she has prescribed stronger pain killer than those I was receiving on ward and that the episodes usually only lasted no more than ten minutes and as I could take one of the painkillers immediately on finishing our meeting I thought I'd be OK. She seemed very nice and it was great to have finally meet her. I only wish I'd have been in a better shape to have fully capitalized on the occasion.

Meeting over and Jo and I decided to avail ourselves of the Guy's Hospital "in House pharmacy" get the pain killers now and get some more into me right now for the journey home.

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