Friday, February 22, 2013

39. Radiotherapy, part 6

Friday 2nd March 2012 10:20 AM

Electra 5, Radiotherapy, Guy's Hospital, London

Exposure #4

Easy in, easy out, done ! 

The waiting game, exposures 4 - 30

At this stage RT was all about the waiting. My shortest wait was half an hour to 45 minutes. Most waits were an hour or two. The longest wait was well over three hours almost four. A couple of times after having been waiting for a couple of hours I was sent home having later that week to have two exposures in one day to catch up, one in the morning, going home, then coming back for one in the afternoon. Only two or three times was the wait less than half an hour.

And as I said the waiting room is hateful. On being informed the there would be a two hour wait i would often go and mooch around the hospital corridors for an hour or so.

Why all the waiting you might ask. At no point were both Electra 5 and 6 working at the same time, well hardly ever anyway. I think they are made from reject Xerox parts.

Six weeks and this will all be over... Wrong !

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