Tuesday, January 3, 2012

10. Treatment ? part 2

Friday 30th December 2011, 09:00 AM

1st Oncology consultation, Guy's Hospital, London

My first visit to Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust Home, ENT Dept. I don't get to meet Dr Teresa Guerrero-Urbano, the head of my Oncology team.

Jo and I Meet Dr. Mary Lei and after a review of my medical history and quick examination of both the missing tonsil area, and the lumps, she explains to me briefly ( at least an hour or more ) what to expect from the treatment, side effects short and long term etc. I sign the consent forms.

Dr. Lei has two medical students shadowing her, they both took turns peering down my throat and fondling my neck too, I rather enjoyed the neck fondling. I should have asked Jo and nurse Annabel if they wanted a go too.

Special Sauce
Dr Lei asked whether I wanted children ( not specifically with her, I don't think ), after Radio Therapy I shouldn't have any, or father any, the radiation screws up your "special sauce". I said NO ! and then dithered and said "no absolutely not". Then a funny thing happened, she asked again, and again two or three more times just to make sure the "Junk Bank" was here in the building and it was easy to arrange. It occurred to me later that perhaps i was being dense and selfish and what with Dr Mary Lei, Nurse Annabel, the two female medical students and Jo in the room I should of asked whether anyone else wanted a splash of "Stuart's Special Sauce, while it was still fresh and viable". If any one else is interested you need to get your order in now, before its too late.

The Dentist
Before Radio Therapy, I'll need 10 years worth of preventative dental work done. RT makes such significant changes to the jaw that "below the gum line" dentistry must only be performed by specialist RT qualified dentists, both Dr Lei and Mr Terry went to great lengths to drum this in. The Dental Dept. of Guy's is in the tower and covers over 6 floors. The dental X-Ray took 30 seconds and was ready for viewing as i left the booth. I'll be back there some time in the next two weeks...

I had an MRSA test as part of the Tonsillectomy Pre-Op. assessment a couple of weeks ago, blood and swabs. Hospitals these days don't take chances with patients importing infections. I've now given blood 3 or 4 times, maybe even 5, and I still don't like it ( Psychosomatic ). Every time I have it's been completely painless, a couple of times even 'almost' sensation free. So this will have been my second MRSA Test in 3 weeks. As always the nurse was very sweet, but boy did she take her time this time, faffing & fumbling about ( "come on woman just get it over with !" ) The highlight of this instance was when she asked "was Jo was my Mum ?", I laughed so much I nearly gave an involuntary urine sample too. "your not my 'real' Mum". Just to be clear ( & fair ) it was not because Jo looks 'old', It was because I look so youthful, boyish and vigorous etc. etc. etc.

Next, Chemo Therapy
Six weeks worth. Day one, 5 or 6 hours, 4 hours on IV hydration followed by 1 hour of Chemo.
Then 4 days of 24 hour per day of Chemo via a medication pump, lugged around in it's own little bag. Day 5 back to hospital to have the IV pump disconnected. 2 weeks off and then start again. 6 weeks in all. 1st session, probably either the 16th or the 23rd January i.e. two or three weeks time.

Then, Radio Therapy
One hour a day, 5 days a week, 30 days of treatment. 6 weeks start to finish. The list of RT side effects both short and long term is about over two dozen items long, overwhelming, daunting and grim. Even just the idea of having a neck so sore that I wont be able to eat and have to have a feeding tube put through my belly and into my stomach is bad enough on its own.  Before all this there will also be a MRI Scan and a fitting at St Thomas' for a 'bespoke plastic mesh head cage', the eradication map is so specific that any movement will throw it off, even a change in body weight will change the body shape enough to throw it off.

RT is a huge worry and I'm not sure how I feel about it...

Edited by Jo W, with thanks

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