Sunday, January 15, 2012

13. Nuclear Medicine

Tuesday 10th January 2012, 09:00 AM

Kidney Test.

Kiddelie test? yes, I said kiddelie diddle-eye ?

The Chemo therapy is somewhat "toxic" and won't be initiated unless the recipient has fully functioning kidneys that are able to clean the blood sufficiently.

The test itself is fairly simple & straight forward. A radio active tracer is injected into one arm and after a two hour wait blood is drawn for analysis from the other. Then a second blood sample is taken an hour later, and a third an hour after that. One test, four (4) needles. Oh what fun ! The three samples are analyzed and the results plotted on a graph and a determination can then be made as to the efficiency of the Kidney function, simple.

Eugenie, who would be putting the "stuff" in and taking the first sample of blood out, and I chatted. From 9:00 o'clock day one everyone has been chatty, I think it's part training ( to put patients at ease ), and part due to a genuine interest in 'who people are', 'what they do', 'and how they are getting on'. I was telling him how I felt about 'needles' and that considering how many I have had so far that you'd expect me to be more accustomed to them by now, which to some extent I am ( but still not enough for my liking, anyway ). And, that as well as the 4 he would be sticking in me, when he and I were done I had to go straight up to Blood Tests so they could have a go too.

Apparently my last Blood Test showed a slight 'anomaly' and this would need to be "pinned down" before Chemo could commence.

Eugenie said that if I went to up to 'Blood Tests' and got my "vials & their bag" he would take the samples they needed at the same time that he was taking the samples that he needed. All he needed to do was use a "Butterfly Needle" instead of the type he would use normally, it was no trouble at all, that he would be happy to do it if I wanted him to, and it would mean one less needle that day. I said "YES PLEASE !" I like Eugenie. 

National "Pin Cushion Day" ...not happy

Edited by Jo W, with thanks

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