Monday, January 2, 2012

7. Diagnostic Surgery

Wednesday 14th December 2011, 07:45 AM

Alan Cummings Day Surgery Unit, the Royal

Scheduled for the 21st December, like everything else so far I receive a call from admissions office at the Royal Outpatients Day Surgery to offer me an earlier appointment, 14th December ( i.e. two days time ), "Gulp !"

Jo and I arrive at 7:45 AM and said our 'goodbyes', she'd be back to collect me some time around 4:00 PM. I unpack my day bag, there's a stow away. Jo had unbeknownst to me secreted into my holdall a small, soft, green corduroy crocodile, 'to cheer me up', it does ( it also makes me cry, so thanks for that Jo ). There's an hour or two of waiting around. I change into the hospital gown, I read my book, I rest my eyes, I play with my crocodile, I go to the loo ( 6 times ) nervous much ? yes !

The stow away (left) and friend

Mr Terry's assistant nurse Jo ( different Jo same name ) comes to see me, we chat for half an hour. I read and sign the consent forms. I'm scheduled for the following procedures:

Examination of the Post Nasal Space
Examination of the Oral Cavity
Examination of the Palate
Examination of the Tongue Base

Where is the 3rd mystery cancer ?

Mr Terry arrives, we chat, he's seen the scans, my left tonsil 'is' the primary site of the cancer ( Tonsillar Squamous Carcinoma ) it's days are numbered, its coming out today. He's perfectly charming ( I wonder if nurse Jo has said something to him about he previous "bed side manner" ? ).

Not sure when I came out of surgery, some time around midday, maybe 1:00-ish, maybe later. Jo's coming back to collect me at 3:00 PM, however, apparently I had a "small" seizure or fit of some kind on the operating table, so they keep me in for an extra hour or two, for observation, just in case. They wont let me out until I have proven that I can eat something, 3 McVitie's Digestive Biscuits. I eat most of one, and pocket the rest, I eat those a couple of days later.

Adult Tonsillectomy, just don't ask...

I can expect the discomfort to 'increase' for the first week before it starts to abate, NO KIDDING !

The most distressing post op symptom is that, as the rotten Tonsil is "hacked out" Mr Terry's words not mine, the site is left some what "ragged" a sensation akin to having small, wet, dead leaves stuck to the back of the throat, that do occasionally ( and far too often for my liking ) flop around, touch the back of the tongue or sides of the throat, causing a gagging reflex, and at this stage I could really do without coughing and hemorrhaging.

My diet was now Paracetamol & Ibuprofen, cold Coconut milk or cold Coconut water, and fruit smoothies. When I did get back onto solids "everything" is chewed, and chewed, and chewed. By the 25th December I was able to eat a full proper Christmas dinner, Yum !

Only had the Tonsillectomy in the end, none of the other procedures were required.

So what next ?

Edited by Jo W, with thanks

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