Sunday, January 1, 2012

5. CT Scan

Tuesday 6th December 2011, 12:15 PM

Back to the Royal for a CT Scan...

...actually two, arms up, arms down, easy in, easy out.

The whole process only takes five minutes each scan, the only unpleasant part is the IV introduced marker, not that the IV hurts in any way, but as the dye is released into the blood stream there is a sensation of warmth that washes up through the limb, into the shoulder and neck, also a distinct metallic taste in the mouth. Both completely bearable but still a tad off-putting.

I can't remember the exact dates but suffice is to say although the CT was booked for a certain time and day, a day or two after having received the appointment letter ( your scan is in two weeks time ) I received a phone call from the Radiology Dept. offering me an earlier appointment "tomorrow if you are available ?", "yes I am". The sooner the better.

Everything stops for cancer treatment.

Edited by Jo W, with thanks

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