Sunday, January 1, 2012

4. What to do now ?

Bugger all you can do once you have cancer, or is there ?

There seem to be 4 main factors that in varying amounts and combinations contribute to getting cancer:

1. Luck, just bad luck to get it, or good luck not to.
2. A genetic predisposition.
3. Life style, do you smoke, do you drink heavily etc. ?
4. Diet, is your diet cancer friendly or cancer unfriendly ?

I am definitely unlucky ( I have cancer ). I don't smoke, or drink ( too ) heavily. But ! my diet was definitely extremely cancer friendly. That is to say it was rich in highly acidic foods, meats, sugars, dairy, processed foods, breads & pastries, alcohol etc. i.e. a fairly standard western european/anglo american diet. The type of diet that has become the norm over that last 50 years, which is coincidentally exactly that same time frame that has seen a proliferation of cancers to epidemic proportions. Go figure.

So diet is the only thing that is easy 'easy-ish' to change, I will make my body as much of a hostile environment for cancer as I possibly can. This means 100% organic foods, Vegan / vegetarian, near 100% macrobiotic, alkaline biased, and heavily vitamin & mineral supplemented.

And if you were wondering NO ! the cancer hostile diet is absolutely nowhere near as fun as it sounds.

However I will say this, after having eaten 100% organic fruit & veg I will never go back to buying non organic produce again. Both Sainsbury's and Tesco's have fairly reasonable selections of organic fruits & veg. Waitrose however have such a poor selection it's not worth them having any at all, if there's not enough variety to prepare a whole meal then there no point in even trying.

Contrary to popular belief ( mine included ) all 3 proprietors of my local health food shops have not been 'lentil munching hippies' they have all been extremely friendly and helpful, and have offered a lot of very useful and insightful advice on everything from food & nutrition to to preventative & curative remedies.

I have also taken to a Sodium Bicarbonate regime, in the hope that by pushing my gross body pH values as far to the Alkaline as I can that this may actually retard or even reduce, possibly even kill the existing cancers and tumors. It's possible that this is just 'new age, hippy, mumbo-jumbo' but it can't do any harm, and it is me taking an active roll in my own treatment at the earliest possible opportunity. Also some of the anecdotal evidence is very encouraging.

I started with a dose of one quarter of a teaspoon of Bicarbonate of Soda mixed with half a teaspoon of Maple syrup 2, 3 and 4 times a day. I now take 1 teaspoon of Bicarbonate of Soda, 2 - 3 teaspoons of maple syrup dissolved in half a cup of warm water 3 times a day. It doesn't taste great so I always have a glass of water chaser. Not tap water, I wont drink or cook with tap water any more, I have been for almost 50 years, it has chlorine and fluoride in it, and now I have cancer.

Any effect ? I don't know. But at least I'm doing something. Also the smaller of the two tumors, the one that is on the left side, high and just below the jaw doesn't seem to have gotten any bigger.

Over Christmas and New Year I said to Jo "screw the diet" and let's have meat, and cheese, and wine, and Gin. We did, it was bloody delicious, and all the veg & fruit, and nuts, and meat, was 100% organic, even the bread I think. Yum, Yum, Yum.

Edited by Jo W, with thanks

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