Sunday, January 1, 2012

1. "I think I have Cancer"

October 2011

I'm going to get it in the neck for this...

I say 'think' because so far all the medical professionals that have been diagnosing & treating me have avoided using the actual word "cancer". It's as if actually saying the word would conjure up the Bogie Man. So, the "C" word must never be uttered aloud for fear of invoking a malevolent, demonic phantom... The Reaper.

I think I have Cancer, I think I have two malignant tumors in my neck.

One day I found a small lump in my neck, half way down and between the wind pipe and the carotid artery. I was only about the size of half a Malteser, it didn't hurt so I didn't give it much thought.

Two or three weeks later the lump was about the size of half a quail's egg, it still didn't hurt, and so I didn't give it much more thought.

Two or three weeks later the lump had become about the size of half a Cadbury's Cream Egg, it was tight and sore to the touch, like a deep zit, so I went to see my GP.

I  said to my doctor " what's this big, ugly, lump on my neck ? He said "your head"...

Dr Pattaplola examined me and thought that it was in all probability that I had a blocked channel in my right Parotid Gland ( Saliva Gland ). This had caused the gland become infected, this is called a Pleomorphic Adenoma and in "well-over" 90% of all cases is almost always benign. I was put on a course of antibiotics, sent for a blood test and warned that should it turn out as expected I would need surgery to remove the blockage.

The swelling reduced and the soreness ceased.

The lump did not go away.

The Blood test was so easy that I was both embarrassed and a little ashamed of myself for having been even just a little 'wussy' about having it taken in the first place. Dr Pat gave me a green slip, I drove straight to Beckenham Hospital, which by the way has just been completely refurbished and looks like a set from "Scrubs". The Blood Test Dept. ( Hematology ) was completely empty of all other patients so I went straight in, sat down, absolutely no sensation of the needle going in, the blood being drawn, or the needle coming out again, nothing. I had to ask the nurse "so is that it ? are we all done here ?" It was not just totally painless, but devoid of any sensation at all what-so-ever, phew!

At the end of the first course of antibiotics, and with the lump still evident I returned to my GP. Blood work was all A-OK. So off to The Princess Royal Hospital Farnbrough for a Ultrasound Scan. By this time a small lump had also appeared in the opposite side on my neck.

I chatted to the scanner operator as he viewed through my neck. It's the same gear that is used to view fetuses so if you crane your head around you can also see the images too. He didn't seem to think there was much wrong apart from the obvious bubble of fluid which was the infection.

Back to GP, more antibiotics. Plus a referral to the ENT Department ( Ear Nose & Throat ) at the Royal ( The Princess Royal Hospital, Farnbrough ). We hear nothing from Farnbrough for two weeks. Back to the GP. The NHS has a "Choose and Book" system. They get in touch with you and you get to 'choose' the time and day for your appointment and 'book' the same over the phone. You need a password, I didn't have one, nor did my GP, NHS Choose and Book had never heard of me, my referal had not made it into the system. My GP wrote me out a second referal, I delivered it by hand, myself, to the ENT Dept at the Royal.

Time Line
  6th October 2011, G.P. prescribes Antibiotics ( Amoxicillin )
12th October 2011, Blood test at Beckenham Hospital
20th October 2011, G.P. prescribes Antibiotics ( Doxycycline )
26th October 2011, G.P. prescribes Antibiotics ( Doxycycline )
26th October 2011, Ultrasound at the Princes Royal Hospital Farnbourough

Edited by Jo W, with thanks

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