Saturday, February 23, 2013

45. Radiotherapy, part 11

Additional Effect #5

Phlegm & Mucus

I can't swallow and the linings of my throat, sinuses and nose are 'very' unhappy. So there is a vast build up of phlegm, mucus and "snot" and it all has to go some were...

The worse problem comes from lying down, sitting or standing up it doesn't seem to affect me I suspect that it all is slowly creeping down my throat and i'll be throwing that up later. Its laying down that's the big problem. It all collects in the back of my throat and immediately on transitioning from prone to upright moved backwards and downwards and causes me to retch and vomit. That in it's self is excruciating despite of the painkillers.

I sleep with a spittoon next to my bed (and have one in the living room next to the sofa), I'm getting up every two hours for drugs and there is only a one or two second window to voluntary hack the gunk up before its gone too far down of its own accord and causes the involuntary retching. I have learnt from bitter experience that it is far better to mentally prepare my self "to gird my loins" and to voluntary hack up in two or three goes all the crap at one time to get it over and done with, then immediately take a hit of morphine.

I have my RT sessions with a spittoon sitting on my chest, when I'm de-clamped and the shell is removed it's my first priority, I don't envy the radiographers having to witness this ever session. Then again you should see some of the other poor sods that they are treating, my problems pale in insignificance compared to some of them.

I have also taken to traveling with a couple of spittoons at the ready, and a bundle of paper towels. Many times on the train reaching my station I have had to dive out of the carriage to hack up on the platform. Not pleasant for me, or the other passengers.

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